& Education

Our repertoire of educational sessions includes...

Alice Flintlock - Fierce Female Pirate! KS1

Not many people know that there were female pirates. Join Alice at her Pirate School. Learn the Pirate Pledge; find out the names of other pirates; learn to be fierce and find out what pirates like to eat and the cargo they really like to steal!

This fun, interactive session lasts 40 - 50 minutes depending upon the age and knowledge of the children.

fierce female pirate

Fire Fire! - The Story of the Great Fire of London KS1

Covering the main learning objectives of the Great Fire, come and join Will and his cat Whiskas who raise the alarm and help Londoners in their greatest hour of need, racing across the city via the docks and St Paul’s to help fight the Great Fire!

Suitable for those already engaged in the topic or those with no knowledge,  this is an interactive storytelling session which lasts 30 - 40 minutes depending upon the age and knowledge of the children.

great fire of london session

Florence Nightingale - KS1

Born in the city of Florence, hence her name, she became certain of one thing – her ‘calling’ was to nurse the sick!

In 1854, Sydney Herbert asked her to go to work in the Crimea at Scutari - The Legend of ‘The Lady with the Lamp’ had begun.

An interactive storytelling session which lasts 30 - 40 minutes depending upon the age and knowledge of the children.

florence nightingale

The Hidden History of Mary Seacole - KS1

Born Mary Jane Grant in Kingston, 'Mother' Mary Seacole, despite prejudice levelled against her at every turn, became the unsung hero of nursing of the Crimean War.

After being turned down by the Foreign Office, she used her own money to set up her 'Hotel' in the Crimea - nearer the frontline than Florence Nightingale's hospital at Scutari.

mary seacole session

Tamesbuga - Before Writing and Romans - KS1

Using a Timeline, our presenter tells the class what prehistory means and explains just how long ago that was.

Tamesbuga, our storyteller, goes back over 2,000 years and talks about housing, language, food - all the things we need but done…slightly differently.

Our presenter uses a variety of devices to explore the idea of 'a very long time ago' for a younger audience and why, even though these people seem so distant to us, they helped shape the world we live in.

An interactive storytelling session which lasts 30 - 40 minutes depending upon the age and knowledge of the children.

before writing and romans session

Miss Edith Tynan; AFS Instructor - KS2

In this Key Stage 2 workshop, specifically in History, Citizenship and Speaking and Listening, the audience are trainees for London’s Auxiliary Fire Service during the Blitz. Edith tells them of the Fire Bombing of 29th December 1940 and how she and others talked the blazes against all odds.

(NB - the AFS were based in schools vacated by evacuees - let us know if yours in one. There might also still be evidence of bombing in your area, both of which we can incorporate into the story).

This fun, interactive session lasts 40 - 50 minutes depending upon the age and knowledge of the children.

afs warden session

Centurion Boot Camp - KS2

Marcus is a Centurion with the 3rd Legion Augusta. Are you ready to learn the ways of the Roman army? But - on your feet! See if you can handle the orders and the equipment of the Roman army!

Marcus talks about the rites and ceremonies of the Mithraeum; life in Londinium and training in the magnificent Amphitheatre and what goes on there.

This fun, interactive session lasts 40 - 50 minutes depending upon the age and knowledge of the children, including a handling object section.

centurion boot camp

Count Ada Lovelace - KS2

Who said ‘girls don’t do Maths?’ Ada relates her life at a time when it was thought that Maths could harm a woman’s brain and shows her genius at the subject; her association with Charles Babbage (whose plans for a working mechanical calculating machine was the forerunner of the modern computer) and her own greatest achievement - the computer algorithm.

Using some fun and illustrative Maths problems with the audience, Ada will tell her story and try and convince some doubters that Mathematics can be fun and relevant.

count ada lovelace

Gene Cernan, The Last Man on the Moon - KS2

Gene Cernan will enthral with a story that is literally ‘out of this world’.

Using the story of a mission to the moon aboard Apollo 17, he covers Newton’s three Laws of Motion: gravity and weightlessness; the physics of rocket flight and, yes, how to do a poo in space!

An interactive storytelling session which lasts 30 - 45 minutes depending upon the age and knowledge of the students.

last man on the moon session

Isambard Kingdom Brunel - KS2

The man who made the impossible, possible.

IKB will relate his fascinating story using images and with help from the audience to illustrate his achievements in Bridge, Railway and Ship design, not forgetting to start with his work on his father’s great tunnelling project the Thames Tunnel which launched his career.

An interactive storytelling session which lasts 45 minutes depending upon the age and knowledge of the students.

isambard kingdom brunel

Amy Johnson KS2

The story of the pioneering female English pilot; the first woman to fly solo from London to Australia.
She set many long-distance records during the 1930’s and then flew with the Air Transport Auxiliary during the Second World War - vital and dangerous work ferrying planes to and from front line duties.

An interactive storytelling session which lasts 45 minutes depending upon the age and knowledge of the students.

Scop - The Anglo Saxon Storyteller - KS2

Tathbert needs your help. Which story to tell at Alfred’s feast tonight? A fable, a history or a saga such as Beowulf?

Anglo Saxon England, newly emerging language of Anglisc and the battles between Saxon and Viking, our Scop will relate three tales along with history and how our language came to be.

An interactive storytelling session which lasts 45 minutes.

Sir Isaac Newton - KS2

The lonely child who gave the world laws on motion and gravity; explored ideas in light and telescopes eventually becoming President of the Royal Society. Using a skateboard and balloons, amongst other items, Sir Isaac will explain his discoveries from the simple to the more advanced (e.g. the Inverse Square Rule) depending upon the level required.

This fun, interactive session lasts 40 - 50 minutes depending upon the age and knowledge of the children, including an exercise on pocket calculators to try and see why the moon orbits the Earth.

isaac newton session

The Black Death - KS2

Harry has lived all his life in London but what happened a few years back tore his life and the city apart. The Great Pestilence raged in the country and killed half the population in London.

Harry relates the story of the origin and spread as seen through the eyes of a person at the time - the cures and conspiracies might have some resonance to C-19 - and how England’s politics, religion and language have all changed as a result.

An interactive storytelling session which lasts up to 60 minutes.

black death session

Votes for Women! - KS2

Kitty Marion actress, music hall artiste - and Suffragette - relates the struggle for women to gain the vote in a world where women are becoming more important economically, politically and intellectually. The audience is asked to attend a public meeting to support the Suffragette movement. (Contains description of force feeding).

The audience is at a public meeting and will be encouraged to contribute to the debate - Suffragette of Suffragist? A workshop lasting 45 minutes.

votes for women session

Wren at 300; An Audience with a Polymath - KS2 & KS3

In the year that sees the 300th anniversary of his death, Sir Christopher returns to discuss his life and times. The Mathematician turned Astronomer turned Architect will talk about such subjects as his Laws of Motion; the exploration of the Heavens; The Restoration, religious conflict and of course the Great Fire.

After introducing himself, the audience is there to ask Wren questions in the form of meeting where ideas and questions will flow freely. A workshop lasting 45 minutes.

christopher wren session

A Short History of English - KS3

We are proud to have a democracy with a government in parliament. All words that are derived from other cultures and languages.

So why is English so rich and diverse as a language. Where did it come from and where might it be going now?

A lecture / workshop lasting up to 60 minutes.

story of english session

Chaucer: The Innkeeper’s Tale - KS3

Harry runs the Tabard Inn and is NOT happy. A certain Geoffry Chaucer has written an unflattering series of tales about him and his clientele. Just to prove it he can recite parts of it it in the original middle English. 'The times they are a changing...'

Harry Bailey will talk for 30 minutes or so and then follows discussion about the development of English, the vowel shift and how times were changing.

geoffry chaucer story session

The storytelling workshop on Wednesday was an absolute triumph. We couldn't be more grateful: the children were mesmerised and it was fantastically informative. 

I just wanted to thank you for the lovely session by Katherine on 'Mary Seacole', she was brilliant! The young people commented on how much they enjoyed it and she really did get everyone participating in it!

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